
Pretty Sweet on Interwebs (For a Limited Time Only)

I love shouting about it

Yup, thats right. Pretty Sweet is going online with a generous helping hand from the folks at Singletrack Magazine. It should be going up on their website (www.singletrackworld.com) over the upcoming week, but due to music licensing restriction, it looks like it will only be up for 5000 views, so you had better get in fast. Well, fast ish. I here those STW fellow run a pretty popular webber.

After the great reception from festivals so far, it should be awesome to get t'film out in front of the wider mtb community.

And yes, before anyone mentions it, we ride like a bunch of complete jeyers.


An Escape To High Places

An escape to the mountains was needed. When a date that worked came along Cal, Dave W and I jumped at the chance to head north into the mountains. With flooding the day before we arrived and snow the day after we left, we finally got some karmic payback from the weather and found some damp but awesome autumnal riding.

24 hours earlier we were all in a major metropolis. Cal and Dave chase the light and escape into the hills